Welcome Class of Fall ’24

Hi everyone! Welcome to electricity and magnetism. Please take a look at the syllabus (link on the sidebar) and the lecture schedule (link also on the sidebar). You can find contact info for me and (eventually) the lab and recitation TA’s by going to the Contact Info page using the link in the upper-right corner (if you’re on a desktop or laptop). (Note: for folks looking at this on their phones, the sidebar is down below—you have to scroll down the page.)

If you’re itching to get a preview of the course, you can go to the course lecture schedule and click on any of the links in the “Notes/Videos from Lecture” column. I always change things up from one semester to the next, so our lectures won’t be duplicates of the ones in those videos,  but you can get a sense of how things will go.

Feel free to download the slides in the Notes column of the lecture schedule. I’m happy for you to print them out in advance of the corresponding lecture. Once again though, things this semester will differ from the previous one, so make sure to make your own notes as well!

I’m looking forward to getting started and seeing you all!

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